

AskBrian is an AI virtual assistant designed to make business tasks easier by integrating multiple tools and data sources in one place.

Conoce a Brian

A secure, multi-functional digital assistant for consultants and professionals. This assistant can answer questions, translate documents, generate summaries, analyze data, and perform searches, all with a focus on productivity and efficiency.


Brian basics explained

Watch this video to learn why we have built Brian, what his skills are, how he works and how to get started!


Brian analyses all public companies for you

Brian provides a financial X-ray of any public company around the world – over 1,000 well-structured data points in Excel!

AskBrian analyses
AskBrian Security

Focus on what matters

Increase your productivity by delegating time-consuming and repetitive tasks to Brian. Aren’t you curious about what you could accomplish with your own digital AI assistant, just a click away?

AskBrian Savings

Don’t stress, spend less

With Brian by your side, you eliminate the need for additional costly subscription plans, and the hassle of managing contracts, and payment plans. Brian’s got you covered.

AskBrian Security

Don’t dabble with data security

Brian boasts top notch security, a transparent privacy policy, and is GDPR compliant. Hundreds of companies trust Brian with their confidential information.

AskBrian slides

Brian helps you get those perfect slides

Brian can provide icons, flags or templates. Email him and he will send you the elements you need for your deck in hand.


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