Aufiero Informática

browserstack logo 600x315 1

BrowserStack:Simplified browser and application testing

Give your users a seamless experience by testing on more than 20,000 real devices.
Don’t compromise with emulators and simulators.

Cross-browser testing on desktop computers and mobile devices

Millions of developers and QA testers use Live to instantly access more than 3,500 real-world combinations of desktop and mobile browsers and deliver great user experiences.

Live Features Hero@1X

Test your websites and mobile apps

minitab 1


Manual Cross
Browser Testing

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Browser automation grid

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Automated visual testing & review

minitab 4

Accessibility Testing

Test WCAG & ADA compliance

minitab 7

Test Management

Unify & track
all test cases

minitab 8

Test Observability

Test debugging & insights

minitab 9

Automate Turboscale

on your cloud

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Low Code Automation

Automation without

minitab 1

App Live

Manual real
device testing

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Real device
automation cloud

minitab 3

App Percy

Automated visual
testing & review

minitab 7

Test Management

Unify & track all
test cases

minitab 8

Test Observability

Test debugging
& insights

minitab 4

App Accessibility Testing

Test WCAG compliance

WCAG and ADA compliance, streamlined

5x faster workflow scans, instant access to screen readers, automation SDK and scheduled monitoring: WCAG compliance has never been easier.
scheduled monitoring: WCAG compliance has never been easier.

A11y hero Updated
Automate TurboScale Hero unit
Scale browser automation tests in your cloud

Accelerate your network configuration and browser automation testing on the cloud provider of your choice with Automate TurboScale.

Simple, self-managed and secure testing, guaranteed.

Modern and unified test management

Create, manage and track test cases and test executions at lightning speed with integrated workflows. Improve software quality through real-time feedback.

Test Management Hero
Observability Hero
Analyze test failures with spectacular speed

If you spend more time identifying actual test failures than fixing them, then your test reporting tools are not enough.

It’s time to test for test observability.

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