Lansweeper Full Logo Grey 1 1

IT & Cybersecurity


Gain complete visibility into your IT, OT and IoT assets Increase efficiency and minimize risk with the all-in-one solution for discovering, managing, and optimizing your technology assets.

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Building a resilient system of record

Unmanaged assets breed risks, inefficiencies, and unexpected costs. At the core of effective IT management lies the understanding that you can’t manage or protect assets you don’t know you have. The only viable solution is one that is laser-focused on accuracy, breadth, and depth and providing complete visibility into the IT estate.

Cross-platform asset discovery

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One unified asset inventory

IT data for all

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Elevate security with valuable risk insights

Visualize your IT asset data with diagrams

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Enrich any IT use case at scale with powerful integrations

The Lansweeper platform connects right into your existing technology stack so you can fuel every IT scenario with up-to-date, accurate data. Leverage data and insights where needed most. No matter what the IT scenario, the data is there, it’s accurate, and it’s ready to use.

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2024 04 24 Build your Business with Lansweeper 1024x1004 1

Build your business with Lansweeper

Power your business with Lansweeper discovery data and leverage it to take your services and products -hardware or software- to the next level with Lansweeper as a partner.

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