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IT & Cybersecurity


SmartUQ is a modern AI and Uncertainty Quantification tool optimized for engineering applications including simulation, digital twins, testing, and manufacturing. With industry-leading model accuracy and user-friendly GUIs and APIs, it’s possible to handle the toughest challenges and easily solve everyday problems.

Uncertainty Quantification & Machine Learning

One of the cornerstones of Uncertainty Quantification is building accurate predictive models with predictive analytics, but some of our customers have used SmartUQ’s machine learning predictive models outside of the Uncertainty Quantification workflow as a stand-alone tool. SmartUQ‘s predictive models can be built with data sets from simulation models, manufacturing, operational and sensors, and digital twins. Some applications of SmartUQs predictive models include developing virtual sensors or performing root cause analysis.

UQ Goes Beyond Uncertainty Propagation

In addition to propagating input uncertainties, Uncertainty Quantification provides a more comprehensive framework, including several key analytics techniques:

  • Building predictive models: trained to mimic complex engineering simulations.
  • Sensitivity Analysis: ranks parameters by their ability to influence the results.
  • Statistical Calibration: handles the disagreement and uncertainty between the simulation model and physical tests.
  • Inverse Analysis: determines an underlying distribution for ill-conditioned and sparse model input.
smartuq Uncertainty Propagation
smartuq Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics for Modern Engineering

Predictive Analytics encompass a set of advanced analytics techniques used to develop a predictive model for real time analysis and predicting future events. Using all types of data sets such as simulation modeling, manufacturing, and operational and sensor data, a trained SmartUQ predictive model can quickly perform complex analysis like predictive maintenance or risk analysis – giving your team a competitive advantage. Below are some applications of SmartUQ’s industry-scale predictive analytics:

  • Virtual Sensors & Predictive Maintenance
  • Reduce Simulation Demand
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Model Calibration and Validation
  • Digital Twins

Take Analytics to the Next Level

We provide a wide spectrum of capabilities including:

  • Design of experiments
  • Emulation
  • Statistical calibration
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Propagation of uncertainty
  • Statistical optimization
  • Inverse analysis

Take advantage of analytics to gain deeper insights and create better products faster.

functional emulator screenshot

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