Vectorworks Landmark Course
Languages: Available in Spanish and English
Level: Medium to Advanced
What you'll learn
Welcome to the Vectorworks Landmark Course! You are about to dive into the fascinating world of landscape design and natural environment planning using Vectorworks Landmark. This course will take you through the essential tools and advanced techniques of Vectorworks Landmark, a powerful and versatile software designed specifically for landscaping, architecture and urban design professionals.
- No previous experience is needed.
- Desire to learn from scratch and step by step.
- A computer and good internet connection.

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Course syllabus
(This is a work agenda. Schedules may vary)
- Terrain modeling.
- Creation of hardscape.
- Plant placement tools.
- Geolocation.
- Creation of reports and database.
* To this agenda are added a maximum of 30 minutes sectioned as you want as “breaks”, the
which can be requested by the client or when it is deemed convenient.
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