
Productivity and Management


Teramind: Insider threat detection, data loss prevention, productivity analytics, and business process optimization powered by advanced user behavior analytics.

Teramind Employee Productivity

Analyze and manage employee productivity

Understand your workforce: behaviors, tendencies, context, and more. Some employees spend less time writing, but produce higher-quality output. Others may be supporting teammates outside the office. How do you measure the entire universe of contributions to success?

A holistic security strategy takes human behavior into account.

Experts agree that preventing insider threats requires teamwork and proactively reducing risk through a holistic approach that includes user education, employee support, strong corporate policies and powerful security controls.

Teramind cybersecurity
Teramind Hybrid Workforce Management

Managing employees working from home

Optimizing your workforce’s productivity can be challenging with hybrid and remote teams. That’s why you need accurate data.
Teramind gives you complete visibility and the objective data you need to track remote workers and optimize your business.Teramind le brinda visibilidad completa y los datos objetivos que necesita para realizar un seguimiento de los trabajadores remotos y optimizar su negocio.

Users are only as efficient as their processes.

Analyzing the communication network in relation to business processes can reveal interdependencies and points of friction, where a single coworker becomes a bottleneck. Gain visibility into which resources are being utilized the most.

Teramind Business Process Mapping & Optimization

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